This blog is devoted to my architectural sketching adventures and musings about the integration of architecture and sketching.
I hope not only to share my own on-location architectural sketches but provide tips and methodologies for sketching and understanding architecture.
Also, most importantly, I wish to explore ways in which, in a digital age, we can not only defend but
promote freehand sketching within the architectural profession.

Monday, March 11, 2013

More interior versions....

I did three more versions of that little scene from Saturday... a more careful watercolour, watercolour without ink lines and watercolour pencils (this is what I used at work before I got into markers - I am just working on bond paper and using water buckles a little)
If you haven't noticed, I like doing the same subject multiple times...

Some people were having problems seeing the images on this blog and for other people it was fine...curious!... let me know if you can't see all three on this post.

If you couldn't see the images on the previous post- check them out over at Liz and Borromini here

1 comment:

  1. I see all three just fine, Liz. Great work too. I like to try different approaches with different supplies too. Great fun!

