My first day was the ultmiate tourist day ... I ended up sketching that buidling again (the Sydney Opera House)
Between the shells - the door to the left is the loading dock! I drew another two sketches of this building on that day... but won't bore you with them.
On the other side of Circular Quay....
Just up the road from that.
On my second day (which was Christmas Eve) I sketched the tree in Martin Place with the GPO tower in the background. This seems SOOO out of date and old news now doesn't it!
Then a morning in a great museum - The Hyde Park Barracks
Afternoon in the Art Gallery and then I sketched the exterior of the buidling at closing time.
After Christmas I went up to the BLue Mountians for a few days and although my focus was grand vistas I did sneak a few building sketches in...
Managed to sketch architecture in the background during lunch
And then a few cute buidlings in Mt Victoria.
A shop in Blackheath....
During my second week I have some days at home, and then sketch meetups with some of my Sydney sketching friends
a quick sketch of QVB
An abandoned sub station with the Harbour Bridge in the background
The Mosque at Auburn - home to the Turkish community... the start of my world tour of Sydney suburbs.
I will leave my final day's sketching for another post!
So.. I suppose I did a fair share of architectural sketches even when I think that I am not...