
Venice Sketches

A few sketches from a week sketching in Venice in September 2010 with my great friend Eza. This was part of an 11 week sketching adventure in USA, UK and Italy - what an amazing privilege and experience to spend my Long Service Leave sketching my way through these countries.

The sketchbook that I completed in this week can be found here

0920M_02 Rialto

0921T_02 Salute

0917F_04 SM del Miracoli

0916TH_05 San Marco!
0918SA_01 San Marco Ext Queue
0918SA_02 San Marco Int1

0920M_10 Grand Palace

0917FR_02 S Giacomo Dell' Orio

0921TU_06 SG Maggiore Ext

0922WE_05 Canal View

0922W_01 SlowStart