
Rome Sketches

Here are some of my favourite sketches from 9 nights in Rome in 2010. This was part of an 11 week sketching adventure in USA, UK and Italy - what an amazing privilege and experience to spend my Long Service Leave sketching my way through these countries.

It was like a dream come true to be roaming the streets sketching whatever caught my eye.

Click here and here to view the two sketchbooks in there entirety.
I had as my companion George H Sullivan's wonderful book "Not built in a Day"
Included in this selection is a number of more analytical sketches that I did insde my favourite building in Rome - San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane by Borromini

0929W_03 Trevi
1001FR_09 ArchConstantine
0929WE_06 San Carlo Ext
1001FR_04 San Carlo Courtyard
1001FR_05 San Carlo Dome
1002SA_05 San Carlo Overall Int
1002SA_06 San Carlo Notes Int
0929WE_07 San Carlo Int Columns triads
1001FR_08 ColosseumExt
0930TH_10 Tempietto
0930TH_08 S Ivo Dome
0930TH_06 SM della Pace
0930TH_04 S Celso e Giuliano
0928TU_03 St Peters Ext
0928TU_04 St Peters Colonnade
0928TU_01 St Peters Dome
0928TU_06 PiazzadelPopolo
0925SA_03 Capitoline2
0925SA_04 Pantheon
0925SA_06 Forum View
0927MO_08 Spanish Steps